Welcome to our Penny Black Saturday Challenge Blog for all lovers of Penny Black stamps....we are based in the UK but welcome entries worldwide...we post a new challenge on the first Saturday of each month and all we ask is that you use at least ONE PENNY BLACK IMAGE...LARGE SENTIMENT STAMP, DIE OR STICKEROO as the main focus of your creation and that you please link back to the Penny Black Saturday Challenge. To join in the fun please leave your name and a direct link to your entry with Inlinkz...so we can come visit you.

Saturday 14 June 2008


Hi and welcome to our first challenge, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone for all the lovely comments.

Before we start with our 1st challenge we would all like to wish TRACY a massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY for today, and hope she has a wonderful day xx

Dont forget to come back later to see who the winner is of the BLOG CANDY.

To celebrate our new blog, this weeks theme is FIRST - PENNY BLACK STAMP.

We would like to see you using your first Penny Black Stamp that you brought. You can make a card, atc, alterted art, etc.. what ever you wish but it must include your first stamp.

We have some wonderful blog candy up for grabs,which has been donated by the fabulous TRACY. To be in for a chance to win these yummy stamp just leave a comment with a link to your work and we will put your name in the draw. The winner will be announced next Saturday.

We hope that you will join in the fun and look forward to seeing your wonderful creations. Don't forget we will be posting a new challenge every Saturday.

If you dont have a blog, then email us your work and we will be happy to put it on the blog.

Here's some inspiration from our Design Team, dont forgot to check out there blogs too for more fabulous work.







Cards sent to us by email from people without a blog
Pauline C

Helen B

Ulrika L




Kath Stewart said...

Hi Girls

Happy Birthday Tracy and I'll be back later with my entry

Jutta said...

First of all congratulations to your birthday, Tracy. I wish you a wonderful day!

I show my card with my first Penny Black stamp later!

mueppi said...

Hello from germany
Happy birthday " Tracy " and have a wonderful day!
Hier ist meine Karte!!!!


Shelly said...

Fabulous work girls! Will get stuck into the first challenge now, I'd already made a card but it's not with my first PB stamp so will have to do another one...what a shame!:o)

Pauline C said...

Hi ladies & Happy Birthday Tracy!

I don't have a blog so have emailed you a card ... luckily I made a card v recently with my first ever PB!! Not sure how emailed cards show up on here as i know nothing about blogs but am v excited as i love PB's!! Good luck with this brilliant challenge - I'll keep calling back to view other entries
Pauline x

Diane.W. said...

Coming bk later with my card & luv all your cards they are stunningly pretty :o)x

Kath Stewart said...

Great cards from the DT
is my card

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY and what a fantastic day to have this blog rolling. I couldn;t wait to find out what the challenge was.
Well done to all the DT members, the examples are simply gorgeous.

Here is my FIRST challenge card at

Debbie said...

Best wishes for your Birthday Tracy have a great day! Great cards from all the DT. My card is here


Thanks for looking
Debbie x

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthay Tracy!

I'm very happy that this blog exists!
my version!

Lorraine said...

Happy Birthday Tracey and thank you all for setting up this great challenge blog.

My card can be found here


Cecilia said...

Here comes my first card!


Thanks for looking

Hugs, Tiina

paylin said...

Hai Gals,
1st, I would like to wish Tracy Happy Birthday and thank you member of DT for setting up this great challenge blog.

Well done and all the best to you.
Takecare and have a great day

Shelly said...

Hi, I've done mine with my very first PB stamp, it's on my blog. Hope you're enjoying your Birthday Tracy x

Anonymous said...

Hi first of all I want to wish you a happy birthday and I made a card for this wonderful challenge too

See my card here

Greetings Renate

Unknown said...

Happy birthday tracy!

my PB birthday card is on my blog now :)


Heather Huggins said...

First Happy Birthday Tracy!!! Now great challenge ladies and all the DT projects are awesome. I'll be looking forward to more of your challenges. Here's mine:

I need to figure out how to make it just say My Card?? Instead of the whole link.If anyone can help me with that can you leave it in a comment on my blog. I'll need step by step instructions... :o)

Monika said...

Happy Birthday Tracy!!!!
My card is here.

Dawn said...

will be back later with my card...

Love the cards I have seen they are all so beautiful
Congratulations ladies - it's a great first challenge


Victoria said...

Happy birthday - I am going to treat myself to some PB so I can join in, have you a sponsor that I can use?

Lieve said...

Finaly the first Penny Black challenge, I was waiting for it the whole week. Well, good luck with the new blog.
Here is my card.


Jose said...

Happy Birthday Tracy and many more to come.
You can see my card on my blog

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

I have so been waiting for this first challenge! Happy Birthday Tracy!!!
My offering is here:-


sandyh50 said...

Happy Birthday Tracy! This was fun. I looked through my stamps and I found my first Penny Black stamp! So here is my card. http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/946800?nocache=1

Dawn said...

Hi there
My card is now on my blog


Great challenge

Loreal Blondi said...

Hi from Finland!
Happy Birthday to Trasy!
Yuo are welcome to look my card here:
Nice to be with :)

Annelies said...

I've just finished my card and put it on my blog: http://scrapannelies.blogspot.com/2008/06/penny-black-challenge.html

Annie said...

Happy Birthday Tracy! Beautiful cards from the DT and looking forward to the challenges each week! You can see mineon my blog

Donalda said...

Happy Birthday Tracy !!! Hope you have had a wonderful day with lots of goodies !!!
I am so excited about the new challenge blog for Penny Black stamps. This is awesome and ladies you done a wonderful job on your designs.Truly gorgeous. And what a candy !!! Oh I would love that set!!!! So I have uploaded my card to try to win it you can find it here Thanks again for a great challenge blog

Zoe said...

Happy Birthday!!! Wow their very own little challenge blog!!! And don't they deserve it!! I dont have many penny black stamps :( but im sure that will soon change!!!
My card can be found here

Mira said...

Me and my son made an ATC together:


gailscraftyplace said...

Lovely blog ladies, I've been eagerly awaiting today , as has half of blog land. Good luck with the challenges.
Here's my first penny black stamp x

orangedaisy said...

its on my blog

GabrielaD said...

Great cards everyone...

Here is mine..


Larissa said...

Hello ladies!

I love challenges and I love Penny Black, so this is certainly the right place for me! I made a card and you can see it here

Tracy, hartelijk gefeliciteerd (congratulations)!!!

Thanks for looking,

Danny said...

This is my card. Please have a look on my Blog. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hi Girls! I love Penny Black stamps and I'm so glad I found you! Here is the link to my card:
My First Penny Black stamp

orangedaisy said...

thanks for the comments but it looks like you are commenting on the wrong card for this challenge ladies
scroll down and there is one titled 'first penny black stamp'

Sue said...

Been looking forward to this first challenge,great cards by the DT;-)

My card is on my blog

Casi said...

Congratulations for this great challenge idea and happy birthday to Tracy.

is my entry for the first challenge. Thanks for looking.
Greetings from Kerstin

Sonia said...

Well belated Birthday greetings to Tracy. Great cards made by the designers, love them.

Here is my card.

Diane.W. said...

Hello Girls!!!
My card is on my blog,TFL :o)x


Tina said...

Lovely Cards and wonderful Challenge!

Here is my entry:


Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

great samples

Here’s mine.

Hugs Jane x

Mephisto said...

great: a PB Challenge Blog, I love it.
My first Stamp.

Greetings Domi

Sharon said...

Congrats on your new challenge blog. It's a great idea.
Here is my card


Helen said...

This is the first time I've entered a card on a challenge blog, but I love any excuse to use my trusty PBs!
As I don't have a blog, I've emailed you a photo - hope it's ok!

Paula | Pammu said...

My card is on my blog.

Tarasdesigns said...

fantastic idea, I love my Penny Black stamps, my entry is on my blog


Debbie said...

Fab DT cards Mine can be seen on my blog.

Bev said...

Wonderful DT cards!
Here's my card

Carola/Schokofee said...

Sry I´m late :)
Here is my entry:


Greets from Germany!

Frances said...

congrats on a great challenge blog and Happy Birthday Tracey! Fab DT cards.

My Pb's will get more use out of them from now on :) here's my first stamp card TFL xx

Cathy said...

Here is my card for this challenge. Great challenge (although it was a little taxing remembering which was my 1st!!).
Great DT cards.

Cathy xx

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wonderful Challenge i love Penny Black, i started for many Years with this Stamps :-)))......

Gorgeous Cards from the DT Team.

Here is my Card


Thanks for looking

Greetings Heike

SewSuzySew said...

Hope you had a wonderful Birthday on Saturday Tracey!

Wonderful DT & Challenge Cards Girls!

Here's my Card!

Suze x

Wendy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy said...

Great first challenge

Here is my entry.

Jo said...

Hi Ladies! :o)

My card is here :o)


Have only had my blog for a day! lol


~* Jay Jay *~ said...

What a wonderful first challenge and beautiful DT creations!

Here's my card.

Jay Jay

Giulia said...

Hello from Milan, Italy.
I have just published the pictures of two cards I have made using my "Daisy Surprise" stamp in my own blog: http://giuliascintillante.blogspot.com. Those cards will be used to welcome two baby boys.
Hoping you may be able to visit my blog and enjoy my entry.

Amanda said...

bizarre thought i had posted this link the other day. thanks Tracie-jane for pointing out that i hadn't:)

Jutta said...

Here is my card with my first Penny Black stamp.

Miia said...

Congratulations to new blog!!
Here is my card, thanks for looking :))

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your fab blog girls, and a belated happy birthday to Tracy! I adore PB stamps, so I hope to be able to join in many of your challenges.
Here is my card for this week.
Maria xx

Looby said...

congrats on the new blog - so glad there's finally a PB challenge blog!
Brilliant 1st challenge and gorgeous DT work!
HEre's my card:


Lou x

Raisa said...

Greetings and Happy Birthdaywishes from Finland.
Here's my card with my first Penny Black stamp

Nikki said...


Here is my entry, I will be back to see the next challenge on Saturday!

Unknown said...

I am very excited about these new challenges - I lurve Penny Black!

Mine is here:-


Annie said...

I made another card! this time using the very first PB stamp I got. You can see it here

KitCat said...

I have just uploaded mine too it is on my blog here


Hope you like it :o)

Jen said...

I loved this challenge as I hadn't used this stamp for ages and I really like it, I hope you do too!
Jen x

MichelleO said...

Happy B-day Tracy! And I hope you enjoy my first Penny Black image -
The DT cards are fabulous!

Stamps, Paper, Scissors and Donkey Smiles: Looks like Mice Day?

Anonymous said...

Great challenge blog and super DT cards.

My card

Carole ;-)

Kim Dellow said...

Love the new challenge blog, Great DT cards. Thanks for the challenge.
Here is mine

Katja said...

A wonderful challenge blog and hyppy birthday Tracy. I used once of my first penny black stamps, but not my first, sorry. I don't know, which my first stamp is.

Look here, and visit my blog:

Greetings from Germany, Katja

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new challenge. I finally got something made for this! You can see my card on my blog. Lol Lynn x

Pauline said...

Happy belated birthday Tracey and wonderful DT cards.

My first challenge card is here:

Victoria said...

Mine is on my blog - I have tried to visit most people's blogs and will hopefully put a message on everyone's by the weekend.

My first penny black stamp arrived in the post today and it is lovely, looking forward to entering more competions soon.

Vicky x

WeirdCat said...

Here's my attempt
Hopefully this blog will encourage me to use (erm buy?) more PB stamps!!

Anne said...

Great new challenge. Here is my entry. x

Jackie said...

Good luck with the blog...brilliant idea!

Here is my entry


Sue Shaw said...

Hi girls, congrats on your new challenge blog!
Here is my entry, I only have 2 Penny Blacks (both bought together) so it was not hard to remember which stamp to use.
Sue. x

MinnaK. said...

Hi, from Finland!
Thanks for this great new challenge!

Thanks for looking!


MinnaK. said...

Ups, here is my card!


Julia said...

Thanks for the challenge. My card is at:

Deb said...

fantastic challenge girls! Well done the blog looks amazing, I don't have many PB stamps but will play when I can!

Here is mine for this week


Tracey said...

What a fab blog :-)

Heres my card:

Jackie said...

Hi,Happy Birthday Tracy!
Here is my card entry using my first Penny Black Stamp.


Thanks for the opportunity to win some great stamps:)

Donna said...

I am so glad you started this challenge blog as I so love Penny Black.

Here is my card for the first challenge


nessy said...

fantastic challeng ,get those pennyblacks out of the cupboard!!
my card can be found on my blog
thnaks for looking
vanessa xx

Janneke said...

I also made a card whit my first PB stamp.

Here is the link ;


Zarah said...

I wish I had time to make this - but I am hoping for next one.

Just wanted to say that I got the candy today - thank you SO much!! The cat stickers - I have been looking for those so long without any luck so you can imagine my happiness when I won them!
THANK YOU again!

Lesley said...

I think this is my first PB stamp! I love him anyway and have had him ages, thank you for the challenge xx


Louby said...
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Louby said...

I'm going to love this weekly challenge thanks for starting it!
My entry is on my blog

Mrs Mayne said...

Fab DT cards! Mine is on my blog! TFL x

Anonymous said...

I loved making this card - PB images are so cute. I do not have a blog but have mailed you a pic of my card

Else Slipsager Petersen said...

What a great challenge. Here is my card:

Sharon said...

Really enjoyed this challenge. I love my first PB stamp: Here is my entry.

Cardmaking Galore said...

Hi there, I bought my first few Penny Black stamps a few weeks ago. Here is my first penny black card and I am sure there are many more to come.


Richelle said...

Hi all!

I little late but here is mine.



Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...
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Jovita @ Inky Impressions said...

What a wonderful first challenge. I had a terrible time trying to remember which stamp I bought first… sorry I’m a little late. Here is my card:



Annie said...

Fantastic a Penny Black challenge for us all to do. Brilliant cards on show - fantastic inspiration.
Here is my card...

Ann xxx

Mandy said...

Here is my card.

Thanks for looking

LG mandy

Laura said...

Hey all!
Had great fun with this challenge thanks for starting it!
heres mine:


Thanks for looking
x x x Laura x x x

Donna said...

Phew, i made it, literally lol Here is my entry.

Christine (All She Crafts) said...

I know this ship sailed a L-O-N-G time ago, lol, but I wanted to catch up! :o)

This is my submission for the first challenge in this wonderful blog... HERE

Anonymous said...

Good work. I like that birthday works very much. It's too good.
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