Welcome to our Penny Black Saturday Challenge Blog for all lovers of Penny Black stamps....we are based in the UK but welcome entries worldwide...we post a new challenge on the first Saturday of each month and all we ask is that you use at least ONE PENNY BLACK IMAGE...LARGE SENTIMENT STAMP, DIE OR STICKEROO as the main focus of your creation and that you please link back to the Penny Black Saturday Challenge. To join in the fun please leave your name and a direct link to your entry with Inlinkz...so we can come visit you.

Monday 9 June 2008


Hi & Welcome to our Challenge Blog dedicated to all of you that love Penny Black stamps/images. We will be launching on Saturday 14th June and hope to motivate and inspire your creativity with these gorgeous stamps.

The only rules is that you use at least one Penny Black Stamp/Image on your creations, and most of all you have FUN !!!
To get everyone excited about our new blog we will be giving away these cute stickers to one random winner, as a thankyou to everyone who leaves a comment here.

All you need to do is leave us a comment and spread the word, leaving a link on your blog to our exciting new challenge blog.

Don't forget to come back on the 14th June for our 1st challenge, where we will have some gorgeous Blog Candy.

We hope you will join in the fun x

Tracie & Tracy


Jen said...

I can't wait for Saturday! I love Penny Black stamps - thanks for starting this challenge. I've left a link on my blog to spread the news.
Jennifer x

Cecilia said...

Hi! Very nice idea girls! I come back saturday, I have some Penny Black stamp...

my blog:

Hugs from Finland, Tiina

Cath said...

Oh this will be so much fun! I can't wait to see what others do with Penny Black stamps!

I've left a link on my blog and made a post to share the good news!


Melisa said...

Hi! I was referred by Phoenix Craft blog. I have only been stamping for a couple of months and am already hooked! You can check out my cards BUT..... Be kind! :-)


Take care ~

Sue said...

Really looking forward to these challenges,I lurve penny black.I have left you a post and link on my blog:-)


Unknown said...

woo more challenges to do :)

Lim said...

This is great. WOW. I can't wait for Saturday!.

Dawn said...

I love Penny black too but unfortunately most of my stash is stickers, although I do have a couple of stamps, will tell all on my blog tonight.
Great idea for a challenge blog - mmm ! It will encourage me to buy even more stamps now!!! Oh dear!!



Victoria said...


Just wanted to wish you good luck with your new challenge blog, I will definately be taking part. Have done a post on my blog advertising you as well.


Vicky x

Kath Stewart said...

Wow .wow..wow just love Penny Black - looking forward to playing often

The Crafty Den said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crafty Den said...

Good luck with your challenge. I'll be back on Saturday to see what you come up with. Lots of love, Denise


Shelly said...

Congrats on your new challenge blog! I'm looking forward to having a go at this on Saturday, not many Penny Black stamps but did I really need and excuse to increase my collection - NO! Will post this on my blog x

Debbie said...

Wow excellent blog - Penny black are fabulous stamps. will pop back saturday. ;) :)

xxDebbie xx

Sonia said...

OHHH How exciting :) Looks like my Penny Black stamps will be dusted off this weekend.
Will leave some info on my blog
Sonia x

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

Yahooo =) I LOVE Penny Black and I'll check back Sat. 14th!

Jay Jay

Dawn said...

Have now posted on my blog - good luck for Saturday and will be back then!!!
Sorry it's a bit late but am having removal issues!!!!


Donna said...

Yay at last, so excited about this challenge site i just love penny black stamps. I'm going to leave a post on my site now and spread the news. Donna x

Ila said...

This looks Great!! I love Penny black stamps. I'll be back!!

Amy said...

So glad I found this blog! Off to subscribe so I don't miss anything!

Paul said...

A great idea but I only have 1 Penny Black stamp but do have some of the stickeroos so could join in.

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

I know a few people who will be interested in this one! I have popped a link on my blog post today.

Diane.W. said...

I have popped you on my blog,to spread the word!
See you Saturday,Girls :o)x

Alison said...

Oh noiw that is the perfect excuse to buy some of these fab stamps. I don't own any. Great blog girls wishing you well in your new venture.

Eve said...


fantastic idea, Cant wait to see the challenges!

Amanda said...

Oh wow this is cool. off to spread the word now!!

Bubbles said...

Sounds great, good luck with the blog. Will put a link on my blog later when I do my post!

Annelies said...

I love challenge and Penny Black, so this blog is great news!
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Else Slipsager Petersen said...

Hi, I love challenges and I love Penny Black stamps to this blog will go to my favorite right now. Looking forward to se you challenge

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited about your new challenge blog as I LOVE Penny Black stamps!
Maria x

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO, fantastic. Can't wait to see this on Saturday.
I have left a link to you on my blog at www.challengeaddict.blogspot.com

Bev said...

Ooooh brilliant!! Can't wait for Saturday!!!

Andrea, said...

Roll on Saturday, I love Penny Balck stamps and use them so much. Can't wait for your 1st challenge

Gillian McMurray said...

I am new to Penny Black stamps so I will certainly be keeping an eye on your blog for inspiration. Maybe I will get up the courage to submit a card too.

wendy peatross said...

What cute stamps. So glad you are starting a challenge blog. I'll go let everyone know.

Cathy said...

Ohhh I can't wait. Just back off holiday to the news of a new challenge blog dedicated to one of my fave stamps - Penny Blacks.Count me in girls and I will spread the word on my blog.
Cathy xx

Wendy said...

Ooooh can't wait

Wendy x

Julia said...

Wow, at last a challenge for stamps I own, can't wait to take part. Will post now on my blog. Thanks for running the challenge.

Julia said...

Hi just posted on my blog at


Hope you don't mind but I posted on the docrafts forum as loads of people on there are PB lovers.

Laura said...

This is a fantastic idea! Looking forward to the first challenge.

Phree said...

Glad I saw the link on Wendy's blog! I do like Penny Black stamps and now I will have an excuse to buy more to add to my small collection. I have added a link on my blog.

Tricia said...

OH, I love the stickers!! Can't wait for Saturday. I'll be baaaccck.. :)

Mimi Hornberger said...

How wonderful! A new and exciting inspiration blog for us Penny Black lovers! I will be happy to spread the word.

Richelle said...

Oh cool! I LOVE penny black! cant wait till saturday to try out the challenge! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Love Penny Black. Excited to see some challenges!

Sue from Oregon said...

I love Penny Black and look forward to the Saturday post!

Far North said...

Yes, Penny Black has great stamps! And yes another Saturday challenge will be great...I'll be back!

Sheila Hallworth said...

Great news, really looking forward to it. Penny Black stamps are the best!

Ulrika said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!!

My blog:

Dotty Designs said...

Wow looks amazing already cant wait for saturday ive left a link on my blog :)

Louby said...

OOOhhh love my Penny Blacks so hope to be joining in the fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh wonderful a Penny Black challenge blog I will definately join is from time to time I love those stamps

Greetings Renate

Kerryn said...

thanks for creating a great new challenge blog. I love penny black so can't wait to have a go on saturday!

Melissa said...

I can't wait to see what Saturday holds! I have some Penny Black stamps and love them!

Fae said...

Looking forward to the challenge on Saturday. Hope it's a great success for you. I love Penny Black and can't wait to get started. Hopefully it'll be something you do regularly and have loads of participants. Good luck everyone, I'll leave a message on my blog letting people know xxx

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I also have some stamps "Penny Black" and I have fallen in love! I'll follow this blog of course... I am very happy that now exists a blog for inspiratione and challenge with these beautiful stamps! I love hedgehogs!!!

Bye from Italy.
My blog

Laura said...

OOOOOOHHH how exciting, cant wait love Penny Black stamps!
Have put a link on my blog to spread the word, I have a feeling this is going to be a very popular challenge blog!!!!
x x x Laura x x x

mueppi said...

My english isn`t the best but I`ll try it!
Hugs from germany, Gisela

Sunny said...

Just to say HI
Just passin thru
and remember HIS name is also LOVE..
Great blog

GabrielaD said...

ooh I am super excited. I love Penny Black. I will add a link to my website.

Natalie said...

I cannot wait for the challenges, I love Penny Black Stamps. x

Jutta said...

I find this a great idea, because Penny Black stamps belong to my absolute favorites.
I wish You a lot of success and wait quite completely tensely for Saturday.

My blog

Jeanne Streiff said...

Sounds like fun! Here's a link to my blog:


Debbie said...

Great Idea girls. Roll on Saturday!!

Debbie x

Zarah said...

Wohooo!! FUN! :D

Jose said...

I love Penny Black stamps, I will be back, link posted on my blog

TracieB xx said...

I can finally comment on everybodies blogs now I have one of my own yipeeeeeeeee.


Have added you to my challenge list already. Be back on Sat for the first challenge

TracieB xxx

Kirsten Gro said...

This is great.

jenny said...

Great idea for a new challenge blog :)
I have spread the word :)


jane said...

what a good idea girls..
This´ll be fun..

Kitty said...

Ooo lovely, love my PB Stamps!! Can't wait to see the challenges!

stampingbalou said...

Oh, I´m really exited about your new challenge - I will sure be back on Saturday, 14th to look if I could participate on your first theme. I will also left a link on my blog to spread those good news... ;o)

Wishing you good luck !


Yours, Heike....

*jenskuliini* said...

Hi! It's nice that all of us Penny Black fans get a challenge blog too!

Dawny P said...

Well I just got 2 more PB stamps (so total of 3 now :-( ) so hopefully I can join in and won't have to use the same image over and over again. Good luck with this new challenge girls and I cant wait to see what you do xxx

Pauline C said...

Hi ...
Love PB stamps and was pointed to this by a fellow PB-lover!! Fab idea - I'll be back Saturday. Unfortunatley don't have a blog but hope i will work out how to join in!!
pauline x

Monika said...

have tons of PB Stamps and so love this challenge.hope I had a little chance to win

Marilyn said...

Wow - I just found your challenge blog today - I LOVE Penny Black stamps, especially hedgies and cats! I can't wait to see all the neat cards that get posted. Maybe I will get up the courage to send in a card or two, also!

Rima said...

Congrats on your new blog!! I'll be back regularly, I love Penny Black stamps


Liz McGuire, said...

brill idea
